Call for Papers: FD UFMG – LDRN 7th General Conference

About the Conference

The increasing integration of global legal policies and institutions with local institutions has generated a growing interest among governments, legal professionals, policymakers and academics in analysing the role of law and possible reforms to address development challenges and promote inclusive growth. Over the past 75 years, research into Law and Development has shown that legal systems are fundamental in addressing the challenges of economic development, growth and distributive equality, not only in countries of the Global South, but throughout the world. This interdisciplinary field of study draws on several disciplines, including economics, sociology, political science, cultural studies and, of course, law itself.

The Law and Development Research Network (LDRN) and the UFMG Faculty of Law (FDUFMG) are honoured to announce the 7th General Conference, taking place at the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, between 15 – 18 July 2025.

The Conference will provide a unique opportunity for academics from Latin America to present their ideas on the region’s development challenges with scholars from other parts of the Global South and North. In addition, the Conference will promote the formation of academic and research partnerships between the participating academics and institutions.

A workshop for emerging scholars, aligned with the conference theme, is being planned. Further details will be communicated in due time.

Conference Theme: Extractivism, Development and Human Rights

The Conference will discuss a wide variety of themes and subjects relevant to neo-extractive development, human rights, law and development, including the following areas:

        • Extractivism, land, natural resources and development;
        • Indigenism/Indigenous cosmovision and development;
        • Access to justice, strategic litigation and development;
        • Development, nature and human rights;
        • International law, institutional governance and development;
        • Financial institutions, corporate capture and corporate responsibility in the context of law and development;
        • Democracy, digitalisation and law and development;
        • Disability rights and development;
        • Suffering, injustice and the dialectic of law and development;
        • Post development, maldevelopment, sustainable development;
        • Law and human rights in settler states.

The Conference welcomes applications from a wide range of researchers and encourages submissions concerned with children’s rights, gender, health, race, poverty, inequality and discrimination as relevant to the theme.

Call for papers

FDUFMG and LDRN reserve the right to select the papers for final presentation at the conference. The papers will be grouped into panels (approximately 20 simultaneous sessions), four papers per panel, in addition to the opening and closing sessions.

In addition to the general call for individual papers, we also encourage individuals to organise their own panels, including fully formed panel proposals, by coordinating with colleagues, preferably from LDRN partner institutions, along the theme of the conference. This will allow for more cohesive panels and will foster greater collaboration among participants, which is one of the key aims of the LDRN Conference. The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the panel allocation.

We also encourage the proposals of ‘Practitioner Conversations’ and ‘Book Launch Conversations’. The organizing committee will determine date and time of these presentations as soon as the demand is defined.

The possibility of online participation may be explored in exceptional cases.

Selection Criteria

The selection process will be conducted by a group of academics specialised in the interdisciplinary field of law and development. The assessment criteria will be based on: abstract quality; relevance to law and development and the theme of the conference; geographic diversity; and balance between senior and junior researchers. Participants must be university professors, PhD holders or doctoral candidates. Exceptionally, we may consider submissions from researchers at LDRN partner institutions who hold a masters’ or an undergraduate degree. Preference will be given to in-person presentations; however, online presentations will be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Guidelines for Submission

Abstracts may be submitted in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. The maximum word limit is 500 words for individual submissions and 750 words for co-authored submissions. Each abstract must be linked to a specific track and include four keywords. The submission deadline is 24 January 2025. Abstracts received after the submission deadline may be rejected. The submission must include a disclaimer stating that the article is original and has not been previously published or is currently under consideration elsewhere. All submissions will undergo a plagiarism check.

Abstracts should be followed by an outline of the article (more details concerning the date and format will follow once all abstracts have been reviewed). 

The abstract should be formatted in font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing for the main text and automatic spacing between paragraphs. Footnotes should be in font size 10 with single line spacing. Both the main text and footnotes must adhere to the 2012 edition of the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA). Co-authorship is allowed, and the abstract must be submitted in PDF format.

Abstracts may be submitted online using this form:

Accepted abstracts will be notified by email by 14 February 2025. Please provide a valid e-mail address.

Venue, Accommodation & Visa

The Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) will be the main venue for the Conference. The Faculty is in the city centre and is close to the bus connection to Belo Horizonte International Airport (CNF). We regret our inability to provide accommodation and cover the travel costs of all participants.

Nearby hotels and accommodation: Belo Horizonte Plaza Hotel, Dayrell Hotel & Centro de Convenções, and Ibis Belo Horizonte Liberdade are some of the hotels in the vicinity of the Faculty that the participants can book themselves for their stay in Belo Horizonte.

The conference organizers are prepared to provide a letter of support to assist with the visa application process if needed.

Registration Fee

The registration fee for the Conference is US$100 for international participants and R$500 for local participants. All local PhD candidates, masters’ and undergraduate students may participate in the Conference at R$250. All international PhD candidates, masters’ and undergraduate students may participate in the conference at US$50. In exceptional circumstances, a fee waiver is possible, subject to the discretion of the organising committee. A link for online payment will be provided.

Conference Organising Committee

Fabiano Teodoro Lara (UFMG); Edilson Vitorelli (UFMG);  Ricardo Ruiz (UFMG); Diogo Coutinho (University of São Paulo); C. Ignacio de Casas (Universidad Austral); Joanna Botha (Nelson Mandela University); Sam Adelman (University of Warwick); Gamze Erdem Türkelli (University of Antwerp).

Conference e-mail: 7LDRN.BR@GMAIL.COM

*** All abstracts must be submitted via this form:

Upcoming Deadlines for Opportunities, Calls for Papers & Events (July 2023)

Calls for Abstracts / Papers / Expressions of Interest

Call for Papers: Global Constitutionalism and Supranational Adjudicative Bodies: Global South Experiences vis-à-vis Hegemony, The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, University of Oslo (Deadline to submit abstracts: 21 August 2023)

Call for Papers: Current Issues in Armed Conflicts Conference, The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and the Conflict and Crisis Hub at the University of Essex (Deadline to submit abstracts: 25 August 2023)

Call for Contributions: Victims & Transnational Justice – Participation, Mobilisation, Resistance, Ghent University (Deadline to submit abstracts: 15 September 2023)

The 4th Young Legal Researchers Conference 2023: The role of law in shaping resilient and sustainable societies, Faculty of Law at the University of Hasselt (Deadline to submit abstracts: 24 September 2023)

Vacancies / Fellowships / Scholarships

Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Sociology and Criminology – School of Society, Politics and Ethics at University College Cork (10 August 2023)

Post-Doctoral Researcher, School of Law, University College Cork (12 September 2023)


Workshop on Protest Movements and International Law, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (2-3 November 2023)

NLUD-LDRN 6th General Conference at the National Law University Delhi, India (19 – 21 August 2023)


About the Conference

The ever increasing interaction between global legal policy processes and institutions with the domestic ones have renewed the interest of governments, the legal community, policy makers and researchers to examine the role of law and possibilities of reform to meet the objectives of development challenges and inclusive growth. Research in the field of law and development, over about three quarters of a century, has unambiguously established that law plays an emphatic role in addressing the challenges related to economic development, growth and distributive equality in the countries of the Global South and elsewhere. Law and development research sits at the cross junction of disciplines as varied as economics, sociology, political science, cultural studies and many more, including law. Without doubt it is truly an interdisciplinary field of study.

The Law and Development Research Network (LDRN) and the National Law University, Delhi, are proud to announce the NLUD-LDRN 6th General Conference at the National Law University Delhi, India, taking place between 19 – 21 August 2023

The Conference will present a unique opportunity for scholars from South Asia to share their ideas regarding the development challenges of the region with scholars from other parts of the Global South and North. The Conference will further serve as an opportunity to forge academic and research partnerships among the participating scholars and institutions.

The 6th Conference of LDRN, hosted by the National Law University, Delhi, is taking place in the context of pull and pressure of globalisation and localisation. While globalisation produces homogenisation and sameness, localisation produces uniqueness and differentiation. The simultaneous but paradoxical processes of globalisation and localisation have created deep ambivalences in the trajectories of law, justice and development in the countries of the Global South. They are often unpredictable, contradictory, plural and heterogeneous. Therefore, the real challenge before the academia and researchers engaged with the various facets of law and development is how to address and achieve justice for the people. Some of these issues will be discussed during the Conference. The Conference will take place in the blended mode to enable broad based participation.

Conference Theme: Locating Justice

The Conference will discuss a wide variety of themes and subjects relevant to law and development, including the following areas:

a. Law, development and beyond: theoretical considerations, mapping challenges and alternatives;

b. Development, justice and human rights: socio-economic rights including water and sanitation rights and the right to development;

c. Climate justice;

d. Gender justice;

e. Disability rights and justice;

f. Law and justice for indigenous people, including tribal people of India;

g. Globalisation , corporations, law and development;

h. Suffering, injustice and the dialectics of law and development;

i. Democracy, digitalisation, development and law;

j. International law, institutional governance and development.

The themes and subjects of the Conference are sufficiently broad to allow for as many submissions as possible. However, NLUD and LDRN reserve the right to select papers for final presentation at the Conference. The final papers will also be grouped in tracks (about 6-8 taking into account the selection process) besides the opening and valedictory sessions.

Call for Papers

There will be four (exceptionally five) papers per panel to give presenters and discussants adequate time to engage fruitfully. In preparing the abstracts of their proposed papers, we encourage prospective participants to engage with issues related to law and development as highlighted in the conference theme.

In addition to the general call for individual papers, we also encourage individuals to organise their own panels by coordinating with colleagues, preferably from other NLUD and LDRN institutions, and along the subject of the Conference. This will allow for more cohesive panels and will foster greater collaboration among academics, which is one of the key aims of the NLUD-LDRN conference. However, the organisers reserve the right to make changes to the panel allocation.

Selection Criteria

The papers will be selected on a competitive basis. The selection process will be carried out jointly by a group of senior academics involved with law and development. The application and selection criteria will be based on the following:

– Quality of the abstract;
– Relevance to law and development and the broad theme of the Conference;
– Geographic diversity of participants and presenters;
– Balance between senior and junior participants and presenters;
– Participants must be professors at a university, or Ph.D. holders or candidates. Exceptionally, we may consider excellent submissions by full-time researchers from LDRN partner institutions, which should hold at least an LL.M. Submissions from practitioners in the field of development who pursue research, are also welcome.

Guidelines for Submission

  • The deadline to submit individual abstracts is 7 March 2023. However, an extension until 31 March will be given to abstract submissions. Abstracts received after the submission deadline may be declined.
  • Please submit your abstract online using this link: 
  • Participants will be notified in early April 2023 on the status of their submission. Accepted abstracts will be notified through email. It is important that you provide a valid email address with each abstract submission. Upon acceptance of abstracts, full papers must be submitted by 30 June 2023.

Abstracts Format

Abstracts shall not exceed 500 words. Abstracts should be submitted with particulars on the above link. The abstract should be in Times New Roman, font size 12, with 1.5 lines spacing, and footnotes (if any) in Times New Roman, font size 10, with single line spacing. The texts and footnotes must conform to OSCOLA 4th Edition, 2012.

Only one co-authorship is allowed. The abstract should be followed by an outline of the article with a brief discussion. The submission of the abstract must be in (.doc) or (.docx). The submission should contain a disclaimer to the effect that the piece is original and has not been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. All submissions are subject to a plagiarism check.

Paper Format

Upon selection, participants shall submit a full paper in the format prescribed. The length of the full paper, including tables, diagrams, illustrations, references, etc., shall not be less than 3000 words and shall not exceed 7000 words. The paper should be in (.doc) or (.docx) format. Font should be Times New Roman 12-point font with 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes shall be in Times New Roman 10 point font with single-line spacing. All citations should be placed in footnotes (and not endnotes) and shall conform to the OSCOLA 4thEdition, 2012. Only one co-authorship is allowed. The submission should contain a disclaimer to the effect that the piece is original and has not been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Venue, Accommodation and Costs

The National Law University, Delhi will be the main venue for the Conference. The University is located close to the international airport of Delhi and is well connected to the city centre by Delhi Metro Service. The National Law University has a small guest house with limited accommodation available for international participants. Professors travelling to Delhi for the Conference will be given priority. We regret our inability to provide accommodation and cover the travel costs of all participants.

Nearby hotels and accommodation: ITC Hotels, Radisson Blu Hotel, Southwest Inn. are some of the hotels in the vicinity of the University that the participants can book themselves for their stay in Delhi.

Registration Fee

The registration fee for the Conference is $50 for international participants and Rs.3000/- for local participants. All international and local PhD candidates (and masters level students) will get to participate in the Conference at 50% of the conference fee. Only final paper presenters will be required to pay the conference participation fee. A link for online payment will be sent to the paper presenters at a later date.

Organising Committee

  • Prof. (Dr.) Harpreet Kaur, Vice Chancellor, NLU, Delhi, India;
  • Prof. (Dr.) Maheshwar Singh, NLU, Delhi, India (Conference Coordinator);
  • Prof. (Dr.) Koen De Feyeter, Faculty of Law, University of Antwerp, Belgium;
  • Prof. Joanna Botha, Professor of Law, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa;
  • Prof. C. Ignacio de Casas, Academic Secretary, Faculty of Law, Universidad Austral, Argentina.


* N.B: The program details as well as the panels will be published on the university web page well before the conference.

Upcoming Deadlines for Academic Opportunities, Calls for Papers & Events (December 2022)

Calls for Abstracts / Papers / Expressions of interest

The European Court of Human Rights Facing Populism and Authoritarianism: Time for System Change?, PluriCourts – Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Role of the Judiciary in the Global Order, University of Oslo (Deadline for abstracts: 26 December 2022)

Call for Papers: The “Global South” and Liberal Values in the Historiography of Human Rights, the Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script” (SCRIPTS), Tobias Berger (Freie Universität Berlin), Anna Holzscheiter (Technische Universität Dresden), and Thomas Risse (Freie Universität Berlin) (Deadline for abstracts: 6 January 2023)

University of Michigan Law School Junior Scholars Conference, The University of Michigan Law School (Deadline to apply: 9 January 2023)

Call for Papers: International Workshop Developing Robust and Sustainable Ocean Regimes for Uncertain Futures, Yong Pung How School of Law – Singapore Management University (Deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2023)

Human Rights Essay Award – Topic 2023: Equality and Human Rights: Confronting Racial Discrimination, Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University, Washington College of Law (Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2023)

Workshop for Young Researchers: Migrations, Rule of Law and European Values, University of Salerno IT (Deadline: 15 February 2023)

Call for Papers: Entanglements in Refugee and Migration Law: Celebrating forty years of the Nordic Asylum Law Seminar, The Nordic Institute for Migration and the Danish National Research Foundation’s Center of Excellence for Global Mobility Law (Deadline: 28 February 2023)  

Reparations in International Law: A Critical Reflection, Netherlands Yearbook of International Law Volume 53 (2022), Asser Institute – Centre for International & European Law (Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2023)

Call for Papers: Hague Yearbook of International Law, The Hague Yearbook of International Law (Deadline for submissions: 1 May 2023)

Vacancies / Fellowships / Scholarships

Assistant Professor of Conflict Management, Kennesaw State University (5 January 2023)

Assistant Professor, Criminology, Law, and Justice, University of Illinois Chicago (13 January 2023)

Call for Applications: Emile Noël Fellowship Program, New York University School of Law (Deadline 15 January 2023)

Call for Applications: Global Fellows Program, New York University School of Law (Deadline 15 January 2023)

Two Doctoral Scholarship Holders in the field of Law, Sustainable Development and Global Justice, Faculty of Law at the University of Antwerp (22 January 2023)

Open Call for Applications – Mobility Program in Human Rights, The Institute for Human Rights at Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU), Finland (Deadline 31 January 2023)

Call for Applications: Visiting Doctoral Researcher Program, New York University School of Law (15 February 2023)

Assistant Clinical Professor of Law/Clinical Professor of Law, Irvine School of Law, the University of California (Final review date: 28 February 2023)

Upcoming Academic Opportunities, Calls & Online Events: October & Later Deadlines

Calls for abstracts / papers / chapters / book proposals
Call for Participation – FRI Gender Law Conference, In-corpore: what the law does to our bodies, University of Neuchatel (abstract deadline: 14 October 2022)

7th Gary B. Born Essay Competition on International Arbitration 2022, Centre for Advanced Research and Training in Arbitration Law & Indian Journal of Arbitration Law, National Law University, Jodhpur (essay deadline: 30 October 2022)

Vacancies / fellowships / scholarships

Assistant Professor in Criminology and Criminal Justice (2 Positions), The Criminology and Criminal Justice Department at the University of Rhode Island (First and second considerations 1 and 15 October 2022)  

Associate to Full Professor, The Department of Criminology, Law and Society (CLS) at the University of California, Irvine (Next review date: 17 October 2022. Final review date: 31 December 2022)

Assistant professor – Law and Society, University of Toronto, Canada (10 December 2022)

Applications for Visiting Scholars Program, Center for the Study of Law and Society, UC Berkeley (18 November 2022)

Assistant Clinical Professor of Law/Clinical Professor of Law, Irvine School of Law, the University of California (Final review date: 28 February 2023)

Assistant or Associate Professor, The School of Criminal Justice, University at Albany – State University of New York (Until filled)

Online events

Business and human rights: from national practice to international binding standards, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) (12 October 2022)

The International Criminal Court 2002-2022: A Court in Practice, Nuremberg Forum 2022 (13-15 October 2022)

Upcoming academic opportunities: May & later deadlines

Calls for abstracts / papers / chapters / book proposals
Making the Multilateral Investment Court Beneficial for Sub-Saharan Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, 24 – 25 November 2022 (abstract deadline: 27 May 2022) 

The Law and Political Economy of Business and Human Rights: A Turn to Root Causes?, Erasmus School of Law Rotterdam, The Netherlands (hybrid), 10 – 11 November 2022 (abstract deadline: 17 June 2022) 

Jurisprudence of the Future: Science Fiction and the Legal Imaginary, Alex Green, Mitchell Travis and Kieran Tranter (eds), Routledge TechNomos series (abstract deadline: 19 August 2022) 
Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos (English), Universidad Austral (rolling deadline)
Routledge Law, Language & Communication series, Anne Wagner & Vijay Kumar Batia (eds) (rolling deadline)
Vacancies / fellowships / scholarships
Two post-doctoral fellowships – census questions on race and ethnicity, Institute for the Study of “Race” & Social Justice, Division for Equity and Inclusion, University of New Mexico, USA (deadline: 1 June 2022) 
Assistant professorship – Criminal law / criminology, Tilburg University Law School, The Netherlands (deadline: 15 June 2022) 
Assistant professorship – Global Challenges in the Anthropocene, Tilburg University Law School, The Netherlands (deadline: 15 June 2022) 
Assistant professorship – Jurisprudence, Tilburg University Law School, The Netherlands (deadline: 15 June 2022) 
Assistant professorship – Public administration / governance, Tilburg University Law School, The Netherlands (deadline: 15 June 2022) 
Assistant professorship – Public international law, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (deadline: 18 June 2022) 
Postdoctoral position – ENERGIZE: Re-Shaping International Investment Law for the Green Transition, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (deadline: 24 June 2022) 
2022-2023 Global South Visiting Scholar In-Residence Program, Peter A. Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (deadline: 30 June 2022) 
Online events
Workshop: Building a transnational research agenda on biodiversity litigation, University of Antwerp Law & Development Research Group (online), 3 June 2022 (registration required)
Winter School: Bayesian reasoning for process tracing, comparative case studies, and qualitative research, FGV EAESP Sao Paulo (online), 11 – 15 July 2022 (registration deadline: 30 June 2022)

Upcoming LDRN partner events (April/ April deadlines): Leiden VVI lecture / ISS Development Dialogues

Van Vollenhoven Institute lecture: “Difference and empire, or on the importance of thinking otherwise” by Dr. Luis Eslava (14 April, online)
The Van Vollenhoven Institute is excited to announce the final talk of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee’s 2021-2022 Lecture Series, Reconsidering the Socio-Legal Gaze by Dr. Luis Eslava. Dr. Eslava’s lecture, entitled “Difference and empire, or on the importance of thinking otherwise,” will focus broadly on law and development. The lecture will take place next Thursday, 14 April from 15:30 – 17:00 over Zoom.
Dr. Eslava is a Reader in International Law at University of Kent in the UK. A cutting-edge socio-legal scholar, his research has explored questions of law and everyday life in Colombia, decolonial histories of law, and the politics of international law.. Register for the lecture here.


Call for abstracts: ISS Development Dialogues (deadline: 17 April 2022) 

The call for abstracts for the 18th ISS Development Dialogues conference “Doing Development Differently” is open. The conference will take place on 17 – 18 October 2022. It is aimed at PhD candidates and will focus on four themes:

  • Theme 1: Politics of development: governance, institutions, and citizen participation
  • Theme 2: Researching development differently: transformative, participatory, collaborative, and digital research
  • Theme 3: Multi-disciplinary approaches to development
  • Theme 4: Decolonizing development: knowledge, ethics & accountability, and power relations.

Interested PhD candidates can fill in this online application and submit their abstracts by Sunday, April 17th, 2022.

See here for more info.

Upcoming academic opportunities: February & later deadlines [UPDATED]

Vacancies / fellowships / scholarships

Doctoral scholarship – International economic law, sustainable development and human rights: accountability of development finance institutions, University of Antwerp Law & Development Research Group, Belgium (deadline: 14 February 2022) – EXTENDED: 7 MARCH!

Next Generation Law Doctoral Scholarships, Kent Law School, UK (deadline: 14 February 2022)

Early Career Fellow in International Law – Human Rights and Environment, University of Edinburgh, UK (deadline: 15 February 2022)

Researcher – Protracted Displacement in an Urban World, International Institute for Environment & Development, UK (deadline: 18 February 2022)

PhD scholarship – Digital Health & Human Rights, Warwick School of Law, UK (deadline: 7 March 2022)

United Nations International Law Fellowship Programme, United Nations Office of Legal Affairs – Codification Division, The Hague, Netherlands (deadline: 15 March 2022)

Doctoral scholarship in public international law – Screening for Sustainability: Implementing the European Green Deal through the EU Taxonomy Regulation, Lund University, Sweden (deadline: 16 March 2022)

Newton International Fellowships, The British Academy & Royal Society, UK (deadline: 16 March 2022)

PhD scholarships – sociodigital / social justice / environment / health / policy /migration, University of Bristol Faculty of Social Sciences & Law, UK (deadline: 28 March 2022)

Caroline von Humboldt Award 2022, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany (deadline: 30 April 2022)


Calls for papers

Call for book chapters: Multidisciplinary Futures of United Nations Peace Operations – Alexander Gilder, David Curran & Georgina Holmes (eds) (abstract deadline: 28 February 2022)

Call for papers: Health and Internal Displacement, Journal of Migration & Health (paper deadline: 28 February 2022)

Call for papers: Opening Access, Closing the Knowledge Gap? International Legal Scholarship Going Online, Völkerrechtsblog (abstract deadline: 1 March 2022)

Call for book chapters: Taxation, Human Rights and Sustainable Developments: Global South Perspectives – Eghosa Ekhator, Newman U. Richards & Chisa Onyejekwe (eds) (abstract deadline: 30 March 2022)

Call for papers: General Issue December 2022, Australian Feminist Law Journal (deadline: 6 May 2022)

Upcoming academic opportunities: January and later deadlines

Calls for papers

Call for Contributions: Framing Business and Human Rights?: A Deep Dive into a New Regulatory Proposal, Völkerrechtsblog (abstract deadline: 15 January 2022)

Special issue on international climate litigation, RECIEL – Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law (abstract deadline: 31 January 2022)

Vacancies / fellowships / scholarships

SeNSS PhD scholarship – socio-legal topics, University of Kent, UK (deadline: 2 January 2022)

Research Fellow – Global Sustainable Development, University of Warwick, UK (deadline: 9 January 2022)

Assistant Professor – Justice Studies: Green Criminology and Justice, Law and Policy, San Jose State University, USA (deadline: 10 January 2022)

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship – Intellectual Property, Innovation & Development, University of Cape Town, South Africa (deadline: 14 January 2022)

Postdoctoral researcher – Technology, Digital Transformation and Human Rights, Lund University, Sweden (deadline: 17 January 2022)

Postdoctoral, mid-career & senior fellowships – Legal Studies, The Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, University at Buffalo, USA (deadline: 2 February 2022)

*UPDATED* Upcoming academic opportunities: September and later deadlines

Calls for Papers

Law & Development Research Network (LDRn) Annual Conference – Beyond the Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities for Law and Development |  hosted online by Nelson Mandela University Faculty of Law, South Africa, 24 – 26 November 2021 (abstract deadline: 15 September 2021)

Sanctions and Africa: an International Law and Politics Conference | Coventry University, The Graduate Institute Geneva & University of Pretoria | Coventry University London Campus & online, 9-10 December 2021 (abstract deadline: 15 September 2021)

Call for book chapters: Imperial Debt: Colonial Theft, Postcolonial Repair, City University of New York (proposal deadline: 30 September 2021)

*NEW* Call for papers: Gendered Constitutionalism in the Global South, World Comparative Law / Verfassung und Recht in Übersee (abstract deadline: 30 October 2021)

*NEW* Call for submissions: Fundamental Rights in the Digital Age, Queen Mary Law Journal (submission deadline: 20 November 2021)

*NEW* Call for book chapters: Children’s Rights Under Siege: Dignity in the Era of Global Interdependence (abstract deadline: 15 December 2021)

Vacancies / fellowships / scholarships

Assistant Professor of Law – Business Law, University of Oregon, USA (deadline: 1 September 2021)

Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor Position – Labor and Employment Law, Cornell University, USA (deadline: 1 September 2021)

SUSTJUSTICE postgraduate programme on Sustainable Development and Global Justice | University of Antwerp Law Faculty – Law & Development Research Group (*NEW* scholarship deadline: 19 September 2021 / application deadline: 30 November 2021)

Research Assistant – Climate Change Laws of the World, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK (deadline: 6 September 2021)

Senior Researcher – Legal Tools Team, International Institute for Environment and Development, London / Edinburgh / sub-Saharan Africa (deadline: 12 September 2021)

Doctoral position – Global Health Law, Lund University Law Faculty, Sweden (deadline: 12 September 2021)

*NEW* Postdoctoral fellowship – Economic and Political Consequences of Sovereign Default, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Italy (deadline: 28 September 2021)

*NEW* Postdoc positions – Law & sustainability (SDG 16), University of Southern Denmark (deadline: 30  September 2021)

*NEW* Distinguished Multicultural Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow in Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Rhode Island, USA (deadline: 1 October 2021)

UCI Global Scholars Early Career Fellowship, University of California, Irvine, USA (deadline: 1 October 2021)

*NEW* International Climate Protection Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany (deadline: 1 February 2022)

(Assistant) Professor of Law, University of California, Irvine, USA (rolling – next review 30 June 2022)

(Assistant) Clinical Professor of Law, University of California, Irvine, USA (rolling – next review 30 June 2022)