Conference: Human Rights Beyond Territory and State

Conference: Human Rights Beyond Territory and State (27 – 29 May 2024), Brussels (BE)

This interdisciplinary conference examines cutting-edge issues regarding the human rights responsibilities of states and other actors (such as corporations, financial institutions, international organisations and other non-state actors) – beyond or independent of states’ territorial boundaries – in the areas of climate change, migration, and natural resource extraction. This conference is organised by a network of expert researchers who have been exploring for many years questions such as “What kind of relationship creates a human rights duty?” Who can have a human rights duty?” and “How are human rights responsibilities divided between actors?”.

This is the closing conference of the scientific research network “Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations in Practice” (, aiming on the one hand to share and critically examine the latest answers to these questions, and on the other, to identify the current most relevant conceptual and legal needs on the ground and in practice, in holding states (and others) accountable across borders.    

What to Expect:

Our goal is to bring together a diverse group of participants from academia, civil society and advocacy groups to map the current state-of-the-art but primarily to identify key issues on which we need to work to pave the way forward for human rights accountability beyond territorial boundaries and state-centrism. We envisage a mixed conference, with opening and closing sessions that target a broader and non-specialist audience (also web-streamed), and a closed nuclear conference in between with experts from different backgrounds.

More information is available on the official web-page of the Conference: 

Register for the conference:

We kindly invite individuals from various backgrounds and types of expertise — academia, legal practice, public policy, civil society, advocacy— to join us. Whether you specialise in these areas or have other direct experiences, your perspective is invaluable.

Join us in taking stock and identifying the new steps for Human Rights beyond borders of territory and state.

Register at:

In-person registration is due by the 15th of May, 2024.

In case of questions:

Upcoming Deadlines for Opportunities, Calls for Papers & Events (September 2023)

Calls for Abstracts / Papers / Expressions of Interest

Call for Papers: Law & Related Disciplines, LawFoyer International Journal of Doctrinal Legal Research (LIJDLR) (deadline to submit: 5 November 2023)

Call for Book Chapter Proposals: Belonging Denied: Citizenship Revocation and Statelessness as Human Rights Deprivation, edited by Salvador Santino F. Regilme, Jr. – Associate Professor of International Relations, Leiden University (deadline to submit abstracts: 15 December 2023)

Call for Papers: Special Issue: The evolving role of international judicial advisory opinions, Guest Editors: Dr. Kathryn Allinson and Beril Sogut, International Community Law Review (deadline to submit abstracts: December 2023)

Call for Blogs, Society for Constitutional Law and Human Rights (on a rolling basis until December 2023)

Vacancies / Fellowships / Scholarships

CERES PhD Programme for 2023-24, Research School for International Development (CERES)

Open Call for Applications: Mobility Program in Human Rights (Sept 2022 – Aug 2024), The Institute for Human Rights at Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU), Finland (Deadline: 7 November 2023)

Call for Applications: post-graduate certificate programme on “Sustainable Development and Global Justice” (SUSTJUSTICE) 12 Feb – 10 May 2024, the Law and Development Research Group at the Faculty of Law at the University of Antwerp (Deadline to apply: 23 December 2023)


Workshop on Protest Movements and International Law, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (2-3 November 2023)

Conference: Law and Development Post the Pandemic, The Law and Development Institute and the Centre for Asian Legal Studies, National University of Singapore (NUS) (8-9 December 2023)

SAVE THE DATE! LDRN 7th General Conference at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil – July 2025

LDRN 7th General Conference at the Faculty of Law of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil – July 2025

We are thrilled to announce that the next LDRn General Conference will be hosted by LDRN partner the Faculty of Law at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil, in July 2025.

We are grateful to our hosts and look forward to the first LDRN conference in South America.

Further details will follow on our website and on the LDRN Twitter account. In the meantime, we cordially invite you to save the date!

Upcoming Deadlines for Opportunities, Calls for Papers & Events (July 2023)

Calls for Abstracts / Papers / Expressions of Interest

Call for Papers: Global Constitutionalism and Supranational Adjudicative Bodies: Global South Experiences vis-à-vis Hegemony, The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, University of Oslo (Deadline to submit abstracts: 21 August 2023)

Call for Papers: Current Issues in Armed Conflicts Conference, The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and the Conflict and Crisis Hub at the University of Essex (Deadline to submit abstracts: 25 August 2023)

Call for Contributions: Victims & Transnational Justice – Participation, Mobilisation, Resistance, Ghent University (Deadline to submit abstracts: 15 September 2023)

The 4th Young Legal Researchers Conference 2023: The role of law in shaping resilient and sustainable societies, Faculty of Law at the University of Hasselt (Deadline to submit abstracts: 24 September 2023)

Vacancies / Fellowships / Scholarships

Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Sociology and Criminology – School of Society, Politics and Ethics at University College Cork (10 August 2023)

Post-Doctoral Researcher, School of Law, University College Cork (12 September 2023)


Workshop on Protest Movements and International Law, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (2-3 November 2023)

Upcoming Deadlines for Opportunities, Calls for Papers & Events (June 2023)

Calls for Abstracts / Papers / Expressions of Interest

Call for Papers: Critical Legal Conference 2023, Durham Law School (Deadline for submitting abstracts: 30 June 2023)

Call for Abstracts: Symposium on ‘Russia, Imperialism, and International Law’, The Walther Schücking Institute for International Law at the University of Kiel (Deadline to submit abstracts: 3 July 2023)

Call for Papers on International Criminal Jurisdiction, Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (3-4) 2023 (Deadline for submissions: 15 July 2023)

Call for Papers: Global Constitutionalism and Supranational Adjudicative Bodies: Global South Experiences vis-à-vis Hegemony, The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, University of Oslo (Deadline to submit abstracts: 21 August 2023)

Vacancies / Fellowships / Scholarships

Project Officer, the International Nuremberg Principles Academy (20 June 2023)

Call for Applications: 5 (5-year) PhD positions, Erasmus School of Law in the department Law & Markets (21 June 2023)

6-month program of support and training for human rights defenders, Marianne Initiative for Human Rights Defenders (6 July 2023)


Conference: The crime of apartheid in South Africa and beyond, University of Nottingham (22 – 23 June 2023)

2023 Summer School Course ‘Human Rights & Persons Deprived of Liberty’, The ERC-IMPACTUM team, the Programme for Studies on Human Rights in Context, the Human Rights Centre, Ghent University, and the Global Campus on Human Rights (27 – 30 June 2023)

Symposium ‘intersecting water, environmental justice and human rights’,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) (6 July 2023)

Human Rights and Procedure: Perspectives of International Law, Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law (6 – 7 July 2023)

Workshop on Protest Movements and International Law, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (2-3 November 2023)

Upcoming Deadlines for Opportunities, Calls for Papers & Events (May 2023)

Calls for Abstracts / Papers / Expressions of Interest

Call for Submissions: Joint Convening of the Social Practice of Human Rights 2023 & 6th International Conference on the Right to Development, the University of Dayton Human Rights Center, in collaboration with the Centre for Human Rights of the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, and the Free State Centre for Human Rights of the Faculty of Law, University of the Free State (Deadline for submissions: 8 May 2023)

Call for Authors, Intersectional Rewrites: European Court of Human Rights Judgments Reimagined, The Intersectional Rewrites Project (Deadline for expressions of interest: 31 May 2023)

Call for Papers, the Arab Yearbook of Public & Private International Law

Vacancies / Fellowships / Scholarships

PhD Researcher in International and European Law, Amsterdam Law School (Closing date: 15 May 2023)

Lecturer in International Law, the University of Manchester Law School (Closing date: 1 June 2023)


Germany’s Debt Got Cancelled – Why Not the Global South’s?, Degrowth in Action and Debt for Climate International (3 May 2023)

The Many Faces of Activist Research Webinar Series 2023, The South West Doctoral Training Partnership (1 April – 10 May 2023)

Beyond Growth 2023 Conference at the European Parliament (15 – 17 May 2023)

PhD Workshop: Methodologies for socio-technical approaches to legal research, Asser Institute (23 May 2023)

Launch Event for Volume 25 of the Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Max Planck Foundation (24 May 2023)

SDG 16 as a Compass for Navigating Intersecting Crises, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the International Development Law Organization and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy (30 May – 1 June 2023)

Summer School on International Criminal Court 2023, University of Galway (19 – 23 June 2023)

2023 Summer School Course ‘Human Rights & Persons Deprived of Liberty’, The ERC-IMPACTUM team, the Programme for Studies on Human Rights in Context, the Human Rights Centre, Ghent University, and the Global Campus on Human Rights (27 – 30 June 2023)

Workshop on Protest Movements and International Law, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (2-3 November 2023)

Upcoming Deadlines for Opportunities, Calls for Papers & Events (January 2023)

Calls for Abstracts / Papers / Expressions of Interest

Human Rights Essay Award – Topic 2023: Equality and Human Rights: Confronting Racial Discrimination, Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University, Washington College of Law (Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2023)

Call for Papers: GLC-SPIL International Law Journal 2023 Volume III, Students for the Promotion of International Law (SPIL), Mumbai (Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2023)

Workshop for Young Researchers: Migrations, Rule of Law and European Values, University of Salerno IT (Deadline: 15 February 2023)

Call for Papers: Corporate Human Rights Responsibility in OECD Case Law: Actors, Issues, responsibilities and Remedies, the German Research Foundation and Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Deadline for abstracts: 17 February 2023)

Call for Papers: Entanglements in Refugee and Migration Law: Celebrating forty years of the Nordic Asylum Law Seminar, The Nordic Institute for Migration and the Danish National Research Foundation’s Center of Excellence for Global Mobility Law (Deadline: 28 February 2023)  

Summer Academy: Law and Political Economy in Europe, The Law and Political Economy (LPE) in Europe Network (Deadline for abstracts: 6 March 2023)

Call for Papers: NLUD-LDRN 6th General Conference at the National University Delhi, India (19-21 August 2023), LDRN and NLU Delhi (7 March 2023)

Research Methods in Fundamental Rights, Hertie School Centre for Fundamental Rights (Deadline for applications: 20 March 2023)

Irish Yearbook of International Law Call for Submissions, Volume 15 (2021-2022), Irish Yearbook of International Law (31 March 2023)

Reparations in International Law: A Critical Reflection, Netherlands Yearbook of International Law Volume 53 (2022), Asser Institute – Centre for International & European Law (Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2023)

Call for Papers: Hague Yearbook of International Law, The Hague Yearbook of International Law (Deadline for submissions: 1 May 2023)

Vacancies / Fellowships / Scholarships

Call for Applications: Visiting Doctoral Researcher Program, New York University School of Law (15 February 2023)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Law at the University of Warwick, Coventry (26 February 2023)

Postdoctoral Researcher on Sustainable Global Economic Law (SGEL), Amsterdam Law School (28 February 2023)

Postdoctoral Researcher on Decoloniality and International Law, Amsterdam Law School (28 February 2023)

Assistant Clinical Professor of Law/Clinical Professor of Law, Irvine School of Law, the University of California (Final review date: 28 February 2023)

Lecturer Above The Bar in Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Galway (9 March 2023)


Book Launch: Internally Displaced Persons and International Refugee Law by Bríd Ní Ghráinne (2 February 2023)

Book Launch: Armed Conflicts and the Environment by Anne Dienelt (2 February 2023)

Online Conference on the Relationship between the EU-Charter of Fundamental Rights and National Fundamental Rights: A Comparative Analysis of the Case Law of National Constitutional Courts, The Wilhelm Merton Center for European Integration and International Economic Order at the Goethe University Frankfurt (2 February 2023)

Universities as Sites of Activism and Protection & UNESCO Chair Launch, Centre for Applied Human Rights at the University of York (13 – 14 March 2023)

SAVE THE DATE! LDRN 6th General Conference at the National Law University Delhi, India (19 – 21 August 2023)

LDRN 6th General Conference at National Law University Delhi, India, 19 – 21 August 2023

We are thrilled to announce that the next LDRn General Conference will be hosted by LDRN partner National Law University Delhi, India, on 19 – 21 August 2023. We are grateful to our hosts and look forward to the first LDRN conference in Asia.

Ijon, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The conference will be preceded by a research school for doctoral and master level students at the same location.

Further details will follow on our  website and on the LDRN Twitter account – in the meantime, save the date!

Upcoming Deadlines for Academic Opportunities, Calls for Papers & Events (December 2022)

Calls for Abstracts / Papers / Expressions of interest

The European Court of Human Rights Facing Populism and Authoritarianism: Time for System Change?, PluriCourts – Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Role of the Judiciary in the Global Order, University of Oslo (Deadline for abstracts: 26 December 2022)

Call for Papers: The “Global South” and Liberal Values in the Historiography of Human Rights, the Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script” (SCRIPTS), Tobias Berger (Freie Universität Berlin), Anna Holzscheiter (Technische Universität Dresden), and Thomas Risse (Freie Universität Berlin) (Deadline for abstracts: 6 January 2023)

University of Michigan Law School Junior Scholars Conference, The University of Michigan Law School (Deadline to apply: 9 January 2023)

Call for Papers: International Workshop Developing Robust and Sustainable Ocean Regimes for Uncertain Futures, Yong Pung How School of Law – Singapore Management University (Deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2023)

Human Rights Essay Award – Topic 2023: Equality and Human Rights: Confronting Racial Discrimination, Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University, Washington College of Law (Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2023)

Workshop for Young Researchers: Migrations, Rule of Law and European Values, University of Salerno IT (Deadline: 15 February 2023)

Call for Papers: Entanglements in Refugee and Migration Law: Celebrating forty years of the Nordic Asylum Law Seminar, The Nordic Institute for Migration and the Danish National Research Foundation’s Center of Excellence for Global Mobility Law (Deadline: 28 February 2023)  

Reparations in International Law: A Critical Reflection, Netherlands Yearbook of International Law Volume 53 (2022), Asser Institute – Centre for International & European Law (Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2023)

Call for Papers: Hague Yearbook of International Law, The Hague Yearbook of International Law (Deadline for submissions: 1 May 2023)

Vacancies / Fellowships / Scholarships

Assistant Professor of Conflict Management, Kennesaw State University (5 January 2023)

Assistant Professor, Criminology, Law, and Justice, University of Illinois Chicago (13 January 2023)

Call for Applications: Emile Noël Fellowship Program, New York University School of Law (Deadline 15 January 2023)

Call for Applications: Global Fellows Program, New York University School of Law (Deadline 15 January 2023)

Two Doctoral Scholarship Holders in the field of Law, Sustainable Development and Global Justice, Faculty of Law at the University of Antwerp (22 January 2023)

Open Call for Applications – Mobility Program in Human Rights, The Institute for Human Rights at Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU), Finland (Deadline 31 January 2023)

Call for Applications: Visiting Doctoral Researcher Program, New York University School of Law (15 February 2023)

Assistant Clinical Professor of Law/Clinical Professor of Law, Irvine School of Law, the University of California (Final review date: 28 February 2023)