The Law and Development Research Group at the University of Antwerp Law Faculty is pleased to announce the call for applications for the fourth edition of its innovative postgraduate programme on “Sustainable Development and Human Rights Law” (SUSTLAW) from 11 February to 3 May 2019. The SUSTLAW programme runs in conjunction with the University of Antwerp Master of Laws (LL.M). It offers an intensive, in-depth legal training, providing both critical and contextualized insights.
The programme brings together a diverse group of leading experts from the North and South to introduce salient features of their disciplines, and to engage students in understanding and reflecting on key challenges for sustainable development and global justice. Thanks to the generous support of the Belgian development cooperation (VLIR-UOS), we are able to provide up to 12 scholarships to participants from the global South (mainly from least developed countries, please consult the eligible country list.)
The deadline for scholarship applications has been extended to 30 September 2018.
What SUSTLAW offers:
SUSTLAW programme participants will join an intensive and comprehensive teaching programme rooted in the research lines of the Law and Development Research Group. These research lines contribute to SUSTLAW’s four compulsory anchor courses, i.e.:
· international sustainable development law;
· human rights and global justice;
· law in developing countries; and
· external actors in economic global governance.
These courses provide entry points for interactive learning and contribute to the two key strengths of SUSTLAW: first, the combination of theoretical insights with hands-on training; second, the diversity of the student body and teaching staff. These features ensure that the SUSTLAW programme connects the Global South with the Global North for a unique educational experience.
After successful completion of the programme, students receive a certificate of completion and can obtain ECTS credits upon submitting a research paper.
Who should apply?
Previous editions of SUSTLAW attracted a diverse body of young professionals – lawyers, scholars, and development practitioners – of demonstrated intellectual and academic excellence from around the world. Participants have a unique opportunity to increase their theoretical knowledge and practical skills through a mix of teaching, moot courts and other role-playing exercises, making it a rich and intense learning experience with practical application in a diversity of careers.
Participants should have at least a bachelor-level degree and a basic knowledge of human rights and international law.
Further information:
For further information, please visit the SUSTLAW website.