International Economic Law (IEL) Collective launched – inaugural conference in November 2019

The IEL Collective was launched in May 2019 to provide a space for critical reflection on complex interactions in the growing field of international economic law. It aims to explore how epistemological and methodological diversity in the discipline can contribute towards the development of a more holistic landscape of scholarship on law and the governance of the global economy. We aim to stimulate conversations about plurality, representation and criticality in researching, teaching and practising international economic law and spark new conversations about the future of the discipline.

The Collective is an initiative of seven law schools (including LDRN partners Warwick University School of Law and Cardiff Law and Global Justice – University of Cardiff) and is looking to expand collaborations with other partners from around the world, especially institutions from the global south.

The IEL inaugural conference will be held in November 2019 and other events will be forthcoming soon.

For more information, please sign up to the IEL mailing list or email ielcollective [at]