Somadina Ibe-Ojiludu, Is the Common Law Human Rights System Still Relevant with the Coming into effect of the Fundamental Rights Provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999?, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence (NAUJILJ), 1 October 2022
Klaus D. Beiter, et al., Copyright Reform in South Africa: Two Joint Academic Opinions on the Copyright Amendment Bill [B13B 2017], Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 4 November 2022
Klaus D. Beiter, Why neoliberal ideology, privatisation, and other challenges make a reframing of the right to education in international law necessary, The International Journal of Human Rights, 26 September 2022
Klaus D. Beiter, SDG 4: Quality Education. In: R. Michaels, V. Ruiz Abou-Nigm & H. Van Loon (Eds.), The Private Side of Transforming Our World: UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the Role of Private International Law, Intersentia & Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law Hamburg, September 2021
Klaus D. Beiter, Strong Intellectual Property Protection, Weak Competition Rules: Or the Other Way Around to Accelerate Technology Transfer to the Global South? Ten Considerations for a “Prodevelopment” IP-Related Competition Law, Policy Brief (South Centre), September 2021
Klaus D. Beiter, Translation Rights and Exceptions under Berne, Ius Cogens, and Linguistic Genocide, GRUR International, August 2021
This regular feature on the website of the Law & Development Research Network (LDRn) primarily aims to highlight the recent publications of our members.
Other recent publications of interest to our readers, e.g. special journal issues or symposia on law & development, may also be included.
If you are an LDRn member and would like to have your recent publication included in the next round-up, please send references and links to the editor and/or tag LDRn on Twitter when you announce it there!