LDRN member publications & awards – September / October 2020

Andrew Barney Khakula and Mercy Mutheu Muendo, Public Participation, Devolution and Development: Expanding the Frontiers of Participation Through Technology in Kenya, Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law, 2019, pp. 103 – 128
Surabhi Lal & Devanshi Saxena, Can the Geographical Indications Act Provide Relief to Nagaland’s Chakhesang Women?, The Wire, 20 October 2020.

Borjana Mikovic & Ajla Skrbic, Pravo glasa i mogucnost participacije u politickom i javnom zivotu punoljetnih osoba pod starateljstvom u medjunarodnim dokumentima i zakonodavstvu Bosne i Hercegovine [The right to vote and the possibility of participation in political and public life of adults under guardianship in international human rights treaties and legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina], Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, Serbia, Vol. 68, Year LXVIII, 3/2020, pp. 53-79

Aleydis Nissen, In Kenia is de ene rozenplantage de andere niet: ‘Klagen is ontslag vragen’ [In Kenya, one rose plantation is not like another: ‘Complaining is asking to be fired’], Knack, 24 October 2020.

Aleydis Nissen, European Public Law Organization Thesis Prize (for doctoral research on the role of the EU Member States in regulating and remedying corporate human rights violations)


LDRN members are welcome to announce their latest publications and/or awards via this list – please send references and links to the Editor by the final Monday of the month.