The following chapters, articles and/or other short contributions were recently published by LDRN members:
Karin Arts, ‘Children’s Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals’, in: Kilkelly U., Liefaard T. (eds) International Human Rights of Children. International Human Rights. Springer, Singapore, 2018 (pp. 1–25), online first 11 April 2018.
Bolutife Adefehinti and Karin Arts, ‘Challenging the odds of vulnerability and resilience in lone migration: coping strategies of Zimbabwean unaccompanied minors in South Africa’, Children’s Geographies, published online first 22 October 2018.
Danny Bradlow, ‘A Human Rights Based Approach to International Financial Regulatory Standards‘, SouthViews, No. 171, 5 October 2018
Danny Bradlow, ‘South Africa is set on fixing its economy. But will poor people benefit?‘, The Conversation, 11 November 2018.
Deborah Casalin, ‘The Guiding Principles in international human rights courts‘, Forced Migration Review, issue 59 (Twenty Years of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement), published online October 2018 (Arabic, French & Spanish versions published November 2018).
LDRN members are welcome to announce their latest publications via this monthly list – please send references to the Editor by the final Monday of the month.
Preference goes to publications released in the past month over earlier ones.
New books written or edited by LDRN members will be announced individually. The relevant information can be sent in at any time.