Upcoming academic opportunities & online events: June and later deadlines [UPDATED]

Calls for papers

The Future of Human Rights: 40th Anniversary Special Issue, Nordic Journal of Human Rights (abstract deadline: 25 June 2021)

Special Issue on Data, Law and Decolonization, Technology & Regulation journal (abstract deadline: 15 August 2021)

Vacancies / scholarships / fellowships

5 PhD scholarships – Human Rights and Global Politics: Legal, Philosophical and Economic Challenges, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy (deadline: 3 June 2021)

Assistant Professor in Anti-Black Racism and Resistance, Sociology Department, UC Santa Barbara, USA (deadline: 28 June 2021)

Mysun Foundation Clinical Fellow, Environmental Law Clinic, University of California – Irvine School of Law, USA (deadline: 21 July 2021)

PhD Scholarship ERC Grant CURIAE VIRIDES – Sustainable development law and access to justice, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium (deadline: 28 July 2021)

Two Postdoctoral Scholars – Information and Security, University of Calgary, Canada (deadline: 30 July 2021)

Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor Position – Labor and Employment Law, Cornell University, USA (deadline: 1 September 2021)

UCI Global Scholars Early Career Fellowship, University of California, Irvine, USA (deadline: 1 October 2021)


Online events

The relevance of perspectives from the global South for human rights law research – closing seminar with Prof. Thomas Spijkerboer, International Francqui Professor Chair / University of Ghent, 1 June 2021

Cooperation or Externalisation: online debate on the impact of the EU migration policy on countries in Africa, University of Ghent / 11.11.11, 4 June 2021

Re-Imagining Agenda 2063: The Socio-Legal Foundation of the Africa We Want, Peter A. Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia, Canada / Liu Network for Africa, 21 – 24 June 2021