The call for papers is now out for the 4th annual conference of the Law & Development Research Network: “The Plurality of Law and Development“
The conference will be hosted by Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany, on 25 – 27 September 2019.
Download the call for papers
Visit the conference website
The conference aims to investigate the plural nature of law and development as a field of study, meaning and practice. As in prior conferences, it shall bring together a variety of researchers from the Global South and North who share an interest in law and development. We particularly encourage speakers from the Global South to participate and further pluralize the field and the network. We invite contributions to two tracks of themes:
A specific track will focus on reflections about the ‘field’ of law and development, including on:
Histories of law and development
Bridging theory and practice in law and development
Teaching law and development
Intra- and inter-disciplinarity in law and development
Dealing with plurality in our research
A general track is open to any issue raised by proposals, including on themes such as:
Human rights, access to justice, and legal empowerment
Diversity, gender, and non-discrimination
Non-state law and legal pluralism
International law and development (e.g. economic law, institutional law of development cooperation)
Technology and digitalization
SUBMISSIONS: We invite proposals on any theme within the two tracks. Proposals can be for fully formed panels or individual papers. The organizers also invite expressions of interest for two additional formats, namely ‘Practitioner Conversations’ and ‘Book Launch Conversations’.
DEADLINE: Proposals and expressions of interest should be submitted by 15 February 2019 – in accordance with the formats described on the conference website
CONTACT: Please e-mail your submissions or questions to berlinconference.rewi [at] hu-berlin (dot) de
TRAVEL STIPENDS: A limited number of travel stipends for speakers based in countries of the Global South will be available. Applications should be submitted together with paper proposals.
DECISIONS about papers and funding applications will be announced in April 2019.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION on conference themes, submissions and stipends see the conference website