LDRN member publications – December 2019

Kennedy Kariseb and Chairman Okoloise “Reflections on the African Governance Architecture: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities” in Michael Addaney, Michael Gyan Nyarko & Elsabé Boshoff  (eds) Governance, Human Rights, and Political Transformation in Africa  (2020) Palgrave MacMillan 41-68. 
Jennifer Lander, Transnational Law and State Transformation: The Case of Extractive Development in MongoliaAbingdon: Routledge, 2020. (20% discount on the hardback price for orders via the Routledge website, using the code FLR40).
Chairman Okoloise “Balancing National Security and Human Rights in the Fight Against Boko Haram in Nigeria” in  Michael Addaney, Michael Gyan Nyarko & Elsabé Boshoff  (eds) Governance, Human Rights, and Political Transformation in Africa  (2020) Palgrave MacMillan 309-331. 


LDRN members are welcome to announce their latest publications via this list – please send references and links to the Editor by the final Monday of the month.  (Submissions for the next list can be sent until the final Monday of January 2020).