Upcoming academic opportunities: vacancies and fellowships – November/ December / January deadlines

The following vacancies and other opportunities may be of interest to researchers in the field of law and development:


Law and Humanities Junior Scholars Workshop | UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, USA | 7 – 8 June 2020 – scholarships available (deadline: 2 December 2019)


Diversity Fellowship Programme | Ithaca College, NY, USA | 16 August 2020 – 31 May 2021 (deadline: 2 December 2019)

Visiting Fellowships – Program on Law and Society in the Muslim World | Harvard Law School, Cambridge MA, USA | 2020 – 2021 (deadline: 15 January 2020)


Associate Professor / Professor in International Law and Human Security | Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada (deadline: 8 January 2020)

Executive Director, Center for Advancement of Rule of Law in the Americas (CAROLA) | Georgetown University Law Center, Washington DC, USA (deadline: rolling)

Two Assistant Professor positions, Department of Legal Studies | College of Public Affairs and Administration, University of Illinois Springfield, USA (deadline: 2 December 2019)

Assistant Professor of Law and Society | John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York, USA (deadline: 16 November 2019)